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St Ronan's Primary and Nursery School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen
St Ronan's Primary and Nursery School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the staff and the Board of Governors of St. Ronan's. | Nursery and Primary 1 School Admissions: Online application opens at 12:00 on Friday 10 January 2025 and will close at 12:00 on Friday 24 January 2025. [Open Link]
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What's been going on in P7?

2nd Feb 2022

It's been a busy few weeks in P7 and Mrs B is finally getting settled into her new habitat up the stairs in KS2! 

The past few weeks have been filled with lots of learning, laughter and fun. 

The class have started their new Reciprocal Reading programme where individuals within teams take on the roles of leader, predictor, questioner, clarifier and summarizer! There has been fantastic collaborative learning during these sessions and the children now understand the importance of each role in their comprehension understanding. 

Earlier in January, we began the new topic of Hunger - Famine today and An Gorta Mór (The Great Famine of 1845). Groups came up with some great initial questions and shared their thoughts and opinions on hunger today, where it is experienced and the surrounding issues. 

We have been keeping active and busy doing the daily mile but also completing 'Brain Breaks' and keeping mental maths active and fun! Durig division learning this week, the children were introduced to the game 'Quiz Quiz Trade'. Each person had to write a division problem using the bus stop method, but without writing the answer. They then move around then room and when Mrs B shouts Quiz Quiz Trade, the children partner up with the person closest to them, answer their division problem, hand it back to be checked and move on. They got great enjoyment from this game and vital learning too! 

Last week we celebrated Catholic Schools Week and had lots of great discussions. Canon Jimmy even popped in to answer some of the questions that only a Canon could answer! During Wednesday's activity, the children made their own Helping Hands. They thought of 5 ways to help others - family, friends, neighbours and people in the community but we also talked about how it is just as important to help yourself! The children came up with wome great strategies for self-care and recognised the importance of this! 

Yesterday we celebrated the feast of St Brigid and made crosses! We got the before pictures but got so engrossed we forgot to show the finished crosses. The children also typed St Brigid prayers to hang alongside their crosses. 

The class look forward to Child Mental Health Week next week and the theme is 'Growing Together'.