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St Ronan's Primary and Nursery School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen
St Ronan's Primary and Nursery School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen
School Christmas Jumper Day & Christmas Dinner Tuesday 10th December Cost £1 for Charity Mary's Meals/Local Foodbank Thank you in Advance! Christmas Dinner Cost £2.60 Menu on website under Parents Tab. Tuesday 10th December 2024 Ho ho ho!
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Pupils of the Week & Birthday Celebrations

21st May 2024
Congratulations to all our wonderful Pupils of the Week. They have been helpful to both adults and children in the school. They have tried hard to grasp new topics. Most of all, they have gone out of their way to be great role models. Well done everyone ?

Happy birthday to all those celebrating their birthday in the coming days!